Tuesday, December 15, 2009

christmas time

It definitely has been feeling like Christmas the last week or so. Ray and I have been staying up late baking and wrapping and watching the 25 days of Christmas shows. I have seen most of these Christmas movies so many times before but they never get old. I love watching them every year. Bodhi has been up late too, since there are so many events. This last weekend was very busy. Saturday night we went to a holiday party. We weren't sure if we were going to go or not since it was raining, but we decided to go and glad that we did since we had such a great time. The party was hosted by my Dad's friend and we have been going the last few years. We get a chance to catch up with friends and eat some yummy food. Bodhi had a lot of fun running around with his cousin Zena and playing the slot machines in the Saloon (not a real saloon, silly).

On Sunday, we got up early to get our Christmas tree. Bodhi was very excited once we got the tree tree lit up and decorated with ornaments. He walked around the tree and pointed out all the different ornaments saying names of things he knew (bird, fish, scooby doo, ball, cat). I've come to realize we have quite a few animal ornaments.

Later that day Bodhi and I went to my friend Kristi's for a cookie exchange. All the kids had a great time playing with Vivian's toys and the adults had a great time chatting and munching on cookies.

After the cookie exchange we met up with several family members at Disneyland to see the holiday decorations. Bodhi of course loved "Its a small world" since it was lit up and decorated for the holidays.

1 comment:

sherry said...

whew. that was a busy weekend. i can't believe how much you did. how fun. i also love to watch the 25 days of christmas movies. yay for christmas.