Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas (reprise)

On the day after Christmas we went to the grandparent's place for yet another holiday gathering. It was a larger than usual event this year as my sister's new in-laws came to dinner, too. Bodhi loved seeing his grandparents and their little dog but really liked seeing their pool table. He also, of course, got another big load of toys, yay!

After dinner, Grandma, Jen, Bodhi and I went to a nearby animal park where they decorate everything with a ton of lights. The proceeds from the ticket prices goes to fund the park for the year. Bodhi loved all the lights and riding the carousel and the little train. We made one quick trip through the reptile house, too, which was nice for warming up a bit.

We stayed at the grandparents' house that night and left the next day. The only thing better than Christmas is two Christmases... and pool tables, right Bodhi?

1 comment:

Dustine and David said...

Yes...VERY large new family. They are the greatest and I was so very happy they all came. Super super cool. Hope you guys and Bod liked your gifts, never saw you guys open them....not sure if you knew they were from us or if they were cool.