Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter was pretty busy this year, lots of stuff to do. We colored eggs and decorated cookies the night before, though Bodhi fell asleep before most of the action. The next morning the kids all discovered their baskets, which were promptly rooted through.

Egg coloring, old-school style!

Wow! Look at all this loot!

After getting the kids dressed and ready to go we headed to church in Orange County for an egg hunt. They were supposed to draw a number then find the 3 eggs with their number on it. Bodhi got a little carried away.

Somebody left all these eggs just laying around!

Happy Easter!

About halfway into the service, Bodhi and Dahlia got a little restless so we went back outside to run around a bit. Had to work off some of that candy!

Hey, where'd all those eggs go?


After church we went out to lunch at barbecue place and then back to Aunt Susan's place for dessert and another egg hunt with just the 4 kids (Baby Connor didn't participate this year).

Oooo! There's one!

See? Eggs!

Like I said, a busy Easter this year. But it was lots of fun and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. Happy Easter, everyone!

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