Sunday, June 14, 2009

Technology is cool...

Working late... trying to get that project in on time.

It's become much more challenging to use the computer when Bodhi is around. He sees it and runs over to play. He likes to stand in front of it opening and closing the lid and pushing all the buttons (especially the power button). Needless to say, most blog posts are done when he's asleep.

"Just a sec, mom... I'm textin' my peeps."

He also really likes phones. Telephones, cell phones... it doesn't matter. If it has buttons and/or lights up it's fair game. Of course, even if it just resembles a phone that's good enough.


Our little boy is so much like his daddy. Pretty soon, I'll have to start sharing my videogames with him... actually, that sounds pretty fun. Hurry and grow up, player 2... I mean, Bodhi!


Stephanie said...

So cute. It's amazing how dexterous kids are becoming these days with all the technology they grow up with. Overall I think it's good, but you definitely have to monitor how many video games they play.

Stacey Ho said...

Lauryn "ate" one of my cell phones around this same age and it is still one of her favorite toys (I guess I'd better get a bigger cellphone plan). Love the pics he is getting so big!