Thursday, June 16, 2011

outings with Kira

We have been venturing out more now that Kira is two months old. Some places have been a breeze (the aquarium and science museum) where she slept in the stroller most of the time and other places have been not as easy. We have had at least two trips to trader joes that ended with me cutting the shopping trip very short because she was screaming. I don't want people to think I can't sooth my baby, but the truth is even when I pick her up she still cries. I feel like I'm still just getting to know her and what she wants. She is so different then Bodhi was at this age. Bodhi liked pacifiers so most of the time when he would cry we would give him a pacifier but Kira just spits them out and keeps crying. I have been getting a little stir crazy hanging out at home though, so I have been trying to get her used to her car seat and riding in the car. Hmm not sure that is going so well...

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