Friday, March 5, 2010

toddler bed

Bodhi recently moved from his crib to a toddler bed. We had planned on taking off the crib rail and replacing it with toddler bed rail and wouldn't you know it the day before we did it, Bodhi fell out of his crib in the middle of the night. Thankfully he did not get hurt. The next morning we replaced the railing. Bodhi liked his new bed right away, getting in and pretending he was sleeping saying "Ah shoo, Ah shoo," pulling the covers up under his chin. Of course this new bed makes it much easier to get up in the middle of the night and get into our bed. The other morning, Ray and I woke up to find Bodhi had crawled into our bed without either of us knowing. He has recently taken to bringing a lovey with him to bed at night. He has a few favorites including a little monkey he calls Buddy and a monster doll called Big toe. But he occasionally likes to take another toy to bed with him. Other choices at night have been a stuffed bunny, a bath boat, a toy hammer and pliers. We have a pretty good routine at night and Bodhi usually accepts that it is bed time and will say he needs to give Mommy a kiss and a hug before selecting his lovey for the night, and then going into his room with Daddy to turn off the light and turn on his moon and stars.


Stacey Ho said...

We went through this with Lauryn and I finally had to bribe her with jello for breakfast to get her to stay in her room. Took about a week of homemade jello from applejuice to get her staying in her room and then forgetting to ask for the jello :)

I do miss the snuggly days though - at 4 she is more likely to want to wrestle or be tickled to death than snuggle up in bed with us.

Stephanie said...

I love his little names for his stuffed animals. So cute.

sherry said...

big toe. so funny.