Thursday, August 20, 2009

17 months

Bodhi is 17 months! He has been saying lots of new words and can even put some words together. New words include bye bye, mine, my ball, up (to be picked up), boo boo, ow, juice, and hot. He can mimic the animal sounds for dinosaur, elephant, cow, cat and monkey. He knows and can point out his ears, eyes, nose, cheek, belly button, fingers, knees, and toes. He can feed himself with a spoon and fork and can drink from a cup without spilling (for a few sips anyways). Recently he has been going through separation anxiety and cries whenever I leave the house. It is so hard to leave him when he is crying but I try to go quickly. He also gets upset when we have to leave his cousins house too! He has so much fun playing with Dahlia and Mason. He loves to look at pictures of himself on our cameras and especially likes to watch videos of himself over and over and over again. This video is his current favorite:

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